Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rollie Polly Adventure!!

Yesterday the girls decided to play in the toy box! It started out that they crawled in and just sat on top of the toys.
Then I came back to check on them and they had everything out on the floor! So glad the toy box gets other uses, to store Kaylee & Kendall!!
It was such a great night last night that we went out in the back yard and looked for bugs. We love to pull all of Daddy's blocks out around the tree and look for Rollie Pollies.
As you can see I really like to dig for them. I also found a old body of a Locust.
Love Kendall's reaction when she finds a Rollie Polly. She just ran all over the yard laughing, it was so cute!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Apple hats!!

Yesterday Kaylee came home from school and made all of us apple hats. They had a apple theme this week.
I asked her to smile for the camera and this is what she gave me. Pretty much saying no more pictures mommy!!
Miss Kendall just keeps us on our toes!! She is always doing something to crack us up!
Kendall loves to take all my blankets out of this basket. Then she puts all the necklesses on. Here is mommy asking Kendall what are you doing?
Then, its really mommy!! You would think that she is a teenager already by this look that I got.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kaylee's First Day of School!!

Kaylee had her first day of school today!! She was a bit hesitant at first.
We washed our hands and then got ready to go into class. Kaylee came back to me and started crying so I held her and then she just became a big girl and wanted down. She went and grabbed Lillie's hand and walked into class together. She didn't even look back at mommy.
Here is Lillie helping Kaylee into the class. There were 4 other kids who cried for their parents and my little Kaylee just went in and sat on the rug and started playing. Such a proud moment for mommy. I got a call after I left from the director (Paula) and she said Kaylee was doing really good. I already love this preschool. They are so loving and caring there! Let just hope it goes this well on Thursday!!
Kendall and Mommy came and picked me up from school. I was so excited to see mommy. Kaylee ran right to me and gave me a big hug!!
On our way out of school. Lillie and I hopped on the stepping stones.
Kendall being silly on the way home from picking Kaylee up!! Kaylee said she had so much fun at school. That makes mommy so happy to hear!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Meet the teacher's

Well Kaylee will finally start school on Tuesday. Today we went and met her teachers Mrs. Brewster & Mrs. Schaper. They are super nice. Lillie will be in the same class as Kaylee so I hope this makes it a little easier for Kaylee.
We got to find her name tag. She was pretty proud to find hers.
She was pretty shy the whole time. She never really talked to her teachers, but she warmed up to the toys pretty well. As you can see Kendall is right behind her big sister and is not so shy of anything. Kendall just jumped right in and started playing. I have a feeling that Kendall will be a totally different story when this day comes for her!
It seems that Kaylee is going to be pretty tall for her class. She is already to the bottom the of the last apple on the growth chart.
Here is Lillie & Kaylee together again.
Come Tuesday this should be very interesting for both Mommy and Kaylee. Mommy got a little teary eyed today, so I can only imagine what Tuesday will bring.



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