Friday, July 29, 2011

Trip to Ocean's Of Fun!!

On Wednesday we went to Ocean's of Fun with Aunt Shawna, Blake, Bradyn, Blaine, Loren, Taylor and Peyton. We got there when they first opened and stayed till 4:30. So needless to say it was a long day for both the girls. We had a blast hanging out with everyone. Kendall actuall fell asleep walking out of the park and then I turned around on the car ride home and saw Kaylee was passed out too. It was a quite ride home for Kyle and I. Both girls all tuckered out!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Best Friends!

Here are a few photo from Friday night. We went to party, Addie & Eastin were there too. There was a big tree that daddy put all of us up in. I thought this was just the cutest photo of Addie and Kaylee. Best Friends!!
Kyle then put Eastin up with them.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Super Girl!!

The girls just love to dress up so tonight we put a halloween costume on Kendall. She was super girl!! Don't you just love the wave.
Today the girls and I did a three legged race. Kaylee got the hang of it, but Kendall was just dragged!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Papa Lovell and the Boys came to visit!

Papa Lovell came down yesterday to see us and the boys came with him. We went to the pool with them. Blake, Bradyn and Blaine all helped me go down the water slide. They were all a big help. Thank you boys!
Blaine and I played in the little pool together.
Here is the best photo of the boys and Kaylee that I got. It was like pulling teeth to get them together, but I have one at least!!
The other night we made orange julius' and Kendall thought it was neccesary to drink out of everyone's drink. Kaylee was really nice to share with her as well!!
Here is Kendall in her silly glasses!
Kendall wanted to be just like Kaylee and wear her goggles!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Big Slide!

We went over to a friend's pool and the girls had a blast on the water slide. Kaylee was hesitent at first and wanted to go down on our laps. She finally got brave enough to go down the slide all by herself. After that it was all the time by herself. So proud of her.
Kendall also loved going down the slide. Every time she had the biggest smile and I even heard some laughing!
It was so hot today that the girls played in the sprinkler. They both had a blast.
Kaylee was pretending to be a robot!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Big day at Splash Cove!

Today we went with the Finks to a place called Splash Cove!! It was a place that was just geared to little kids. Here is Gabbie and Kaylee going down the slide together. Miss Gabbie was a huge help with Kaylee.
Kaylee and Lillie playing with tubs of water!!
Kendall had a blast playing with all the toys too.
Kaylee took me by surprise and went down all three water slides all by herself. At the end of all of them she would get a face full of water, but it didn't seem to bother her. It was a big day for Kendall. While the other kids played in the pool. Kendall and I hung out under the canopy to take a break.
Miss Gabbie and Kaylee. Thanks again Gabbie for all your help with Kaylee!!
Kaylee spraying water out of the fountain!!
Big day out in the sun and all tuckered out. I don't think we even made it out of the parking lot! Both the girls had a blast.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

ISU Hats!

The girls decided to get daddy's hats out and play with them.
Here are both the girls with their hats on!! Kendall peeking around the couch!!
Here we go, here is a silly smile from Kendall!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Storm Clouds!

Both of the girls are turning into little fish. They both love to be in the water. I filled our little pool on the deck and they both love to play in it. Kendall, in her own way, was yelling at me. I took her floaties off and she got pretty mad at me. She is turning into quite the spitfire!!
Kaylee decided to just chill out on her crab today.
The typical face that I get from Kendall. I get the camera out and this is the face that I always get.
Tonight we had a storm move in and it was just a cool storm to watch! Here are two photos of the storm.
This is across the street from us.

Monday, July 11, 2011

First swimming lesson

Kaylee had her first swimming lesson today with Lillie from down the street. Ms. Brandi is my teacher and she comes right to our community pool. She walked around the pool with both Lillie and me. She even taught us to go under water.
I jumped really far to Ms. Brandi.
I even went under water after I jumped to her.
Then when we got done with the lesson we got a sucker.
Here is Lillie and I enjoying our suckers in the pool together. Poor Kendall felt left out and wanted her own, but big sister was nice enough to share hers.

Play date!

Here is the shoes that I made for the girls for the 4 of July!! Kaylee loves wearing hers.
Here is my silly monkey! She found a pair of dress up shoes. She loves walking around in them and pushing her shopping cart around!!
The other day my best friend come over to play. We all got dressed up and Eastin decided to dress up as a dinosaur and was attacking the girls!! It was so funny to all of them.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July!! We went down to Stillwell KS to a parade and watched thier fireworks. They had a little carnival before the fireworks. We had so much fun doing a bunch of activities and games.
Kendall was so tired, but she did pretty good. Mommy took lots of snacks to keep her content.
I laid pretty good through the whole thing. We went with the Finks, so that was way more fun than just going by ourselves.
As you can see it was pretty hot out. Kendall is pretty sweaty.
Daddy went and got me some sparklers. I had a blast doing these all by myself. She is getting to be such a big girl!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pinecone Bird Feeder!!

Today daddy and I made a bird feeder out of a pinecone. I had so much fun putting the bird seed on the pinecone.
Here is Kendall and her little devil look!!
Then we went outside and hung it up on the tree next to the other bird feeder.
Kendall again being silly.
Both Kendall and I love to dress up, but everything that I do Kendall has to do. Just like big sister they are two peas in a pod!!



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