Sunday, March 27, 2011

Toy Story 3 on Ice!!

We all went to Toy Story 3 on Ice on Saturday. Both the girls did really good. Kendall was pretty entertained through the first half then through the second half she just wanted to walk around. Kaylee on the other hand was so tuned into the whole show. She really loved it.
Here are a couple of photos from the show.
Jessie and Bulls-eye
Mr Potato Head!!
This was the smile that was on Kaylee's face the whole show.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Papa Lovell came to visit!!

Papa Lovell came down to watch me do gymnastics yesterday. It was such a nice day out that we went outside to play and enjoyed the warm day. It was almost 80 degrees.
Kendall is really big into copying everything her big sister does right now. So she saw big sister climbing up the slide so she thought she would be big stuff and try it for herself. Kendall playing out in the yard and enjoying the weather.
Here is Kaylee kicking around the soccer ball, lets just hope she will do soccer all by herself tomorrow.
Kendall was being stubborn and wouldn't look at the camera!! This was the best one that I got.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Our first visit to Children's Mercy

We had to take Kaylee into Children's Mercy yesterday. She had gotten sick Saturday night, with throwing up every fifteen minutes. So she was not able to keep anything down. She is also very stubborn and wouldn't drink anything but water and we found out that is the worst thing to drink when you are throwing up. So I took her into the doctor Monday night and they gave her a pill to help with the throwing up and it did seem to help for a couple hours. They did tell me on monday night that she was pretty dehydrated. Then we woke up yesterday morning and she was still very lethargic and didn't do much of anything. So I call the Dr and they told me to take her to Children's Mercy. She ended up having to get an IV, which was a very traumatic ordeal for her. Let's just say she is a fighter and the nurses kept saying she is the strongest 3 year old they have seen. They gave her two rounds of fluids and some sugar stuff. She seems to be acting much better today. So i'm hoping we are on the rebound and can finally be over this and just keep praying that Kendall doesn't get it. So far so good for miss Kendall. Here is a photo of her arm with the IV in it. They had to tape it so much so she wouldn't pull it back out.
After the whole thing, she wore herself out.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Science City

We went down to Science City and they had so much for us to do.
Kendall had fun playing with this box.
Then we all played with the magnet wheel wall.
Kendall was so tired that she decided to lay her head down on a rock!
Kendall is walking pretty much everywhere now. She found this fire hydrant fun to play with.
They had this slide that we all went down. It is hard to believe but when you went down this slide it was pitch black. The flash lit it up this much.
Kendall found it fun to play with this too. She would touch the clear things in the rock and it would play notes out of a wall like a piano. It was really neat.
I was having so much fun playing the drums.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kaylee's Soccer Camp!!

Kaylee had her first experience in playing in a big group today at a soccer camp that we put her in. She did pretty good, she was pretty shy though. Mommy had to be in the room with her the whole time. She had to dribble the ball down to each net.
As you can see she would not really let me step back at all!
Here she had to get as many balls from the middle and run them back to her barn.
This one she did pretty good by herself.
Hopefully next week will go a little better so I can get some better photos of her all by herself.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wedding Day

Last Saturday Uncle Korey married Maggie. Mommy and I went and had our hair done. I looked so cute!!
This is me trying to tell mommy that I had had enough.
Here is the beautiful bride. This was Maggie getting ready to see uncle Korey for the first time.
Here is Mommy and me all dolled up!!
I loved my pretty bouquet .
Mommy didn't get a photo of Kendall last weekend in her pretty dress. She was with Aunt Shawna durning the wedding since daddy, mommy and myself were all in the wedding as it was a crazy day. We want to tell Uncle Korey and Aunt Maggie congratulation and thank you for letting us be part of your special day.



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