Friday, January 29, 2010

Papa Lovell came to see me!

Papa Lovell came down this week to see me. I had so much fun playing with him and was sad to see him go back home. We played lot of games.
Mommy went and had her toes done so I thought I needed my painted just like mommy's. So Daddy painted mine.
Over the past weekend Papa and Grandma Roethler came down. Grandma and I colored with my markers.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Doing daddy's hair

Tonight I did daddy's hair. I was blow drying it and then I combed it. I sometimes put barettes in it. Kyle get's to have all the fun!! Mommy caught me in the middle of all my stuffed animals. I was just hanging out in them. Heres a photo for all of you that want to see my belly. Sorry Kyle cut my face off, but you get to see my belly and Kaylee of course. I only have four weeks left and I'm counting every day down. Dory is my best friend. I love to play with her and lay on her. This is what I do all the time to her.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Party at Uncle Korey's house

On Saturday night Uncle Korey and Maggie had a house warming party. A lot of the Roethler's came down for his party so he had a great turn out. Also, Daddy surprised mommy with a birthday cake, since she is turning the big 30 on Friday. It is also Mommy's uncle Tom's birthday and Maggie's mom Clara's birthday. So we celebrated all three on Saturday night. I really wanted to get into the cake as daddy was cutting it. Clara (Maggie's mom) was going to let me, but mommy caught me and told me no.
This is mommy and Clara posing for a photo and all I want is the cake. It was really good cake by the way. P.S. Thank you Kyle for surprising me.
I got to eat a lot of junk food on Saturday night. It was all really good in my tummy.
I really enjoyed hanging out with Papa Roethler.
This was at the end of the night at Uncle Korey's. I had to go home to go to bed.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Busy Weekend

Today it was really cold in KC, but before we went to the mall Mommy and Daddy let me play in the snow for a few minutes. I got to throw some snow around. I just wish it would warm up a bit so I could play a little longer. Tonight Mommy made some brownies and I got to help by eating some of the batter. I kind of get a little messy when I eat. Daddy worked really hard on Friday to get my new room painted and ready for the new furniture. I was trying to help him paint, but as you can see I was just being silly. This is daddy and I working hard to paint a fence on the wall. This is one of the photos that mommy took after my furniture got delivered. Mommy and Daddy got me a big girls bed, night stand and dresser with mirror. Daddy did a really good job of painting my new room. He still has a little work to do. He say he is going to paint me a turtle and some flowers on the walls. I am really enjoying my new room. I even took a nap in my new bed yesterday right after it was delivered.



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