Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lake of the Ozarks Trip

We went down to the lake over the weekend with the Whisner's. We had a great time with them, Addi and Kaylee enjoyed getting to play together all day. Every morning both the girls would wake up and asks for each other. We just enjoyed the nice weather, hanging out and having a relaxing time.
Daddy decided to take me out on the jet ski and of course I loved it. I was a bit scared at first, but then mommy got on with us and we went out riding. I even waved for the camara!
Addi and I got to go swimming in the lake, we got to sit on this big tube. Addi wasn't too sure of the water at first, but she warmed up to it. The water was pretty warm, but when you got out the wind was pretty cold so we didn't stay in too long. We played a lot in a little pool that Steph brought and we loved playing in it just as much as the lake.
One day we went shopping at the outlet mall. The girls got to ride around in this school bus. They were really good for us, even both Kyle's were very good, so Steph and I could do a little shopping.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trip to Iowa a couple weeks ago

Mommy and I went up to Iowa a couple weeks ago and went and seen Aunt Shawna at work. She let me play on her computer, I was being such a big girl and wanted to work with Aunt Shawna.
Then on Saturday we went to the Iowa State Fair. This was my first time at the fair and we got to see all the animals. I even got to sit in all the tractors. I really had a lot of fun at the fair.
Then on Sunday we went to a Bridal shower for one of mommy's cousin's future wife. I got to put my feet in the pool then Mommy decided to just let me go swimming with her cousins. I just love the water and couldn't wait for mommy to get a swimming suit I just had to get in.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Playing in the sprinklers

Wednesday was my last day of tumbling. We got to do what ever we wanted and they gave us a little certificate. Mommy tried to get a picture of me, but I just didn't want to pose for her so this is what she got. Yesterday it was really hot in KC so Mommy and Daddy let me play in the sprinklers. As you can see Dory really liked running through them too. Then they filled my little pool and let me play in it on the deck. I really like splashing around in it. Again Dory thought she needed to play and splash in it too.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pool fun

Friday night we went over to the Whisner's to hang out with them. I really enjoyed playing with Addi. I just let Addi put stickers all over me and I just wanted her to put more and more on me. Today we went down to the Gardner pool. I had so much fun just laying out in the sun I was trying to be like mommy. Usually mommy just takes me to the pool during the week, but today daddy got to go with us. He had fun playing in the water with me, he even took me on the lazy river.



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