Monday, April 20, 2009

Always on the go!

Mommy thinks I'm going to be a girly girl. I really like to play with mommy's purses and walk around in her shoes. It was pretty nice outside today so we got to go and play on my play set. I think I'm bigger than I am. I like to try and climb up the slide. Mommy tells me I'm going to get hurt one of these days. Daddy kept telling me to find mommy in the telescope.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Cute as a bug!!

This is my new chair Mommy got for Nana & Papa Roethler's house. I'm so cute in it. All this week we have got to play outside as it has been so nice in KC. We had professional pitcures taken yesterday and as soon as mommy gets them from the photographer's blog she will send everyone the link so you can see them. Mommy thinks they are going to be really good and cute. Mommy was trying to upload a video of me talking and the computer is being stubborn and won't let her. She will try again later so you all can see me talking.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Silly Night

Tonight I was being silly and wanted a blanket over my head and Mommy snapped a picture at a perfect time.
I had a good Easter. The Easter Bunny hid lots of eggs for me to find. Mommy thinks I did a really good job of finding all the eggs. I also really liked all I got in my Easter Basket. Papa and Nana Roethler came down to KC for Easter this time. Mommy had a big dinner for everyone. Thanks to Nana for helping cook everything. Overall I had a really good Easter hope everyone else had a good Easter too.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Coloring Easter Eggs!

Tonight we got to color eggs for Easter. Daddy had to help me and Mommy thinks I got more color on me than the eggs. Mommy had to scrub me real hard tonight in the bathtub to get all the color off me, but in the end the eggs turned out really pretty. Mommy said it was a lot like when I finger paint.
This is what I do a lot of the night, I can't stay off of Dory. I'm just glad she has learned to put up with me.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Upchurch's came to KC

Aunt Shawna, Uncle Brad and the three boys came down to see me this weekend. Aunt Shawna and I looked at some books. I had a lot of fun with the boys. I tried to keep up with them. Yesterday when they got to KC we went outside for a little bit. The boys really liked playing on my play set. I think the boys enjoyed playing with me. I also really like to give them all hugs and kisses. They don't really appreciate them though. They run from me when I try and give them kisses. They really liked playing with all my toys and helped me with my puzzles.



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