Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Finger Painting

Over the weekend mommy decided to go and get some finger paints for me to try. As you can see I loved to finger paint it was so much fun. Right after getting done Daddy had to give me a bath. I can't wait till we get to finger paint again. While we waited for daddy to get home after being gone for a couple of days. Mommy was pitcure happy and asked me how big I was; I'm so big. I was so excited when daddy got home that I wanted to play with him right a way.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Papa Rich Stopped By

Papa stopped by on his way to Texas to see me. We played with all my toys and looked at books together. He will be stopping by next weekend also on his way back home.
I was kicking back watching Jack's Big Music Show. It is my favorite show of all to watch. Addi has a new baby sister so I have not seen her for awhile so Mommy asked if she could come over so we could play. It was lots of fun and we play hard and were both tired by the end of the day.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Weekend up in Iowa

Over the weekend we went up to Iowa and I got to spend time with my crazy cousins. I had so much fun with them. I loved laying on my cousin Blake. I was also trying to give all three of them kisses, but they didn't seem to appreciate kisses from their cousin.

Then Mommy and Aunt Shawna wanted us to sit on daddy and take a group photo and this is what came out of that idea. I sure do like hanging out with my cousins, they teach me how to ruff house and I get all wound up.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Big Shoes to fill

Maggie was helping me walk in Daddy's shoes. I was doing so good walking in those big shoes and having so much fun. Mommy says I'm getting so big so fast. Then I decided to climb on Daddy's leg and make him walk around with me while I hung on tight. It was a lot of fun and I could go all night, but Daddy gets tired after awhile.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just to nice to stay inside

Today in KC it was so nice, about 75, that I got to go outside and play ball with Dory. She enjoyed playing with me. We also went for a walk. I do really enjoy this nice weather.



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