Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Haircut

Mommy finally decided to take me in and get my hair cut. It was getting really tangled so they just cleaned it up a little. I had to sit on mommy's lap so she couldn't take any photos at the salon so this is the best photo she got of me. Also, this is the best smile I had for her.
Then I decided to be shy for the camera. I do really love my chair.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Love my Daddy & Uncle Korey

This weekend Grandma & Grandpa came down to celebrate mommy's birthday, but really just to see me. I have this new thing that I do that drives mommy nuts. I hold my breath and blow it out and make an awful noise. That is what I'm doing with uncle Korey(above). Then daddy was thrilled to go to the mall with mommy and me.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kaylee's New Boyfriend

I know it has been a while since I have posted. We have been busy with Uncle Korey and Maggie moving down to KC. I love having them down here because they come over and play with me. This is my new boyfriend, I love to give him kisses all the time!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just hanging with Addie

This is the first time since the last posting mom has had time to blog again. I keep her really busy.
Mom I am tired of you taking so many photos and look at Addie my friend, she is not use to the camera yet. The girls decided to take a break from playing in the ball pit.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Kaylee hagging in her new chair

Alright here we go. I'm going to start this year with a blog spot for all of our family and friends to keep in touch with us. I am going to try and post new photo's at least once a week or more. Hopefully you will enjoy this new blog page and you will be able to keep up with us a little better since I can post notes with them. Hope you enjoy and just keep checking back in at this page.



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